Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Android’s Invading, IPhone’s Reign is Over.

Last year the IPhone took us by storm. Everybody wanted one, young or old. You have to get it to be in the in crowd. We all watched the news and saw people camping outside AT&T stores nationwide to get their hands on the IPhone. Since when did consumers go crazy over a phone?

Move aside IPhone, Android is taking over. Since T-Mobile’s G1 came out, there was a glimmer of hope for Android to succeed, and by golly Q4 of 2009, more came. The telecommunication companies are backing up Android. T-Mobile’s My Touch 3G, Sprint’s HTC Hero and Verizon’s Droid, etc. So why is Android so much better? Well, one thing that developers love about it is that its an open platform for all kinds of mobile devices - Android. Leading this development are Google Inc, T-Mobile, Intel, HTC, Qualcomm, Motorola along with many other companies under the umbrella of the Open Handset Alliance - a global alliance between technology and mobile industry leaders. This gives developers a chance to develop apps that will be more user friendly.

Evidence is clear, a lot of companies are jumping i n the Android wagon. Even Dell is releasing an Android based phone. Dell, isn't that a company famous for producing computers? Yes. Here are the current predictions for Android:
  1. Many more phones to choose from (I personally can't wait for the Sony Ericsson Experia)
  2. App development will take off and Iphone apps will cross over
  3. Android will show up on many other devices
  4. A more polished and stable Android OS
  5. Android hardware will improve faster than Iphone
  6. More exclusive content from Google
  7. No more multi-touch hesitation
  8. Ramped up Android marketing
  9. Expect converts from the Blackberry and the Windows Mobile camps
  10. More custom interface tweaks.

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