Friday, November 20, 2009

Solar Power, let's embrace it

So okay, imagine our regular street lamp posts smarter. Philips was inspired by sunflowers, and used that concept to create a smarter way of using energy. Philips' Lightblossom follows the sun and stores the energy it gathers during daylight. What happens to that stored energy? It's used to light the streets at night when there's no sun.

The concept of gathering solar power in order to run machines isn't a new concept, there are people who use solar panels on the roof of their house, people who has bagpacks with solar panels to charge phones, etc. Its just that the way we use it so so limited. I know we can come up with a billion ways to manipulate solar power. The sun is a huge ball power supply which has an unlimited supply of energy, compared to the fossil fuels we use today.

Some doesn't like alternative fuels because it doesn't pack a lot of puch the way fossil fuels do. Its true, solar panels doesn't a 100% absorption rate, but that's fixable. How? I reserached and found that "Nanocoat" can absorb 96.2% (near perfect) of the sun's rays and can be absorbed in every angleso there's no need for panels to waste energy by mechanically tracking
the sun in the sky.. Problem solved, from there we could move forward towards a 100% absorption rate. We could just replace fossil fuel power plants with solar power plants. How about jobs? Some say alternative fuel could cause unemployment. Actually, it will increase the job rate from 1.9 million to 6.9 million according to Consumer Enrergy Report. If people could just realize that we don't have to settle for the given, and find a way to to solve problem, we could be moving forward faster, and more will be happier. Oh, it will be more expensive, well if companies cooperate and make these more affordable to the consumers. They might lose some at first but at the end, the rewards will be great.

From lamp posts to powering houses, we should let solar power replace fossil fuel.

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