Sunday, November 22, 2009


We could actually be using wireless electricity today, if only Nikola Tesla (yes he also invented a Death Ray) didn't lose his key financial in the late 1890's. If that was the case then, we would actually be ahead of the game.
WiTricity isn't entirely new to us, it was developed back then but now its been finished. I discussed in my recent post about the Powermat how we can convert the EMF waves into useful enrgy and throw away wire. With WiTricity, that conversion of EMF waves isn't really the case but the concept was the same. I discussed how every electronic gadgets we have in the house (a certain range) can be charged without the messy wires. In WiTricity, there's a main coil and it detects other gadgets with these coils and automatically charges them. For this to happen, we need electronic companies to agree that they will automatically include the coils needed to the products they sell, which should be made into a standard in order to use this technology. Sorry Powermat, but you're still behind.

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