Thursday, October 8, 2009

Cool Business Cards - Part 1

Here are some unique business card designs. They're not the typical business card that you see being handed out in a meeting.

1. Peanut Business Card
-Now this is thinking outside the "paper"
Though they aren't practical, because they're fragile, it's an idea.

Maybe if it was coated it some kind of preserving material that could prevent it from cracking easily, then it could be used. Till then...

2. Nils von Blanc Business Card
-This one is from a graphic design company from Denmark and its a car freshener. I don't know if it they added some scent, but that would be cool.
One could just hang this in their car and they'd never lose it. Because most business cards are just put away by people. From my personal experience, busy professional engineers will not have time to organize their cards. Many end up in the very abyss of their desks, in an unrecognizable cardboard box, etc. So, by giving the receiver a familiar object could spark a light bulb in their heads, and say, you know what i'm gonna hang this in my car, because thats what it looks like. That's why this design works.

3. Francesca Pasini Business Card
- This card didn't use the usual paper material, instead its made of fabric. Each card would be unique, because different fabrics could be used, each stitch is unique, the positioning of the information is unique to just one card, and also each one is handmade.

1 comment:

  1. It looks awesome. I like creating business cards in different style. My card would look very unique. I got it designed from Business Card Ninjas.


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