Wednesday, October 21, 2009


When we talked about the time of cyberspace in class, it got me to think deeper about the internet and its cybertime. If I was to describe cybertime, it would be - "a time continuum where all the space and time that have ever existed through earth's lifetime, even before the first thought of the internet ever entered J.C.R Licklider's mind is stored."

Why I say this?. One can easily search the "Creation of The Universe" and in this search we are then entangled in a knowledge that existed before Humankind ever walked Earth, therefore, we are immersed in time that we never knew. One can even go further in time to 2050, with our top scientist's prediction for our future, a future not too far away.

I can access any time period, any knowledge past, present or future. The power of the internet to store TIME, that anybody, anywhere and anytime can access is a sign that we are at the cusp of the future.

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